Ironically many people who took the 16 hour Wear and Carry Permit classes elsewhere, never really followed through to purchase a handgun and only took the course, such as it was, to get the permit. They got permits for the first time in Maryland, unbelieveably because, ,...they could.
Simply, the handgun that best fits your budget, best fits your hand and ability to control recoil. More new handguns, many from established manufacturers show up in gun stores every month. Our in-house inventory allows you to shoot the best ones on the market for concealed carry. When you leave us , you'll have an informed idea of what you should purchase.
The pistol pictured opposite is an 8 shot, Colt 1903M in caliber .32 ACP as issued to every American Spy (OSS), in WWII. Then as now, a quality handgun from a top gunmaker, shooting accurate tight groups is more important than magazine capacity or caliber. Competent instruction and frequent, directed practice are key.